..:Safe in harbour::..
Loksins erum við búnir að meika það í land! og það stýrisvana, en þetta gekk nú samt vonum framar og erum við svolítið ánægðir með að hafa meikað alla þessa leið á rokkhoppernum ;).
Það er heitt í dag og maður er alveg að bráðna í allri þessari sól og hita.
Í fyrramálið á svo að kafa í rassgatið á dollunni og þá kemur stórisannleikurinn í ljós.
Þeir völdu okkur náttúrulega besta staðinn í allri höfninni til að liggja á, þ.e.a.s kafaranna vegna. En einhverjum metrum aftan við skipið þá spýtist út afrennslið úr holræsakerfi 300.000manna samfélags, “góðan daginn” það mætti bjóða mér að kafa í því sulli ;) oj ö (kúgast).
En ég er bara að gefast upp úr hita og verð að yfirgefa ykkur með þessari línu.

En ég las einn helvíti góðan í morgun sem ég verð að deila með ykkur............

..::A masked fuck::..
A couple was due to go to their family’s masked fancy dress party.
The wife got terrible headache and told her husband to go alone.
He protested, but she argued and said she was going to take something to relive the pain and go to bed, and she didn’t want to stop him from having a good time.
So he took his costume and away he went. The wife, after sleeping soundly for an hour, awakened with out pain, and as it was still early, she decided to go to the party. As her husband didn’t know what costume she had, she thought she would have some fun by watching him to see how he acted when she was not with him.
She arrived at the party and soon spotted her husband on the dance floor, dancing with every woman he could, chopping a little feel here and a kiss there. The wife went up to him and as she looked really hot in her costume, he left his new partner and started dancing with her.
Since he was her husband, she let him fondle her ass and even fondle her tits. After few drinks, she was getting horny, so when he whispered a proposition she agreed, and they sneaked upstairs and fucked in a bedroom. It was one of the best fucked they ever had.
Just before unmasking time at midnight, the wife slipped away and went home. She put her costume away and got in to bed, wondering how her husband would explain his night.
When he came in, she asked if he had enjoyed himself? “You know I newer had a good time with out you,” he replied. “ But when I arrived, I meet Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys and we went out to the patio and played poker.”
“You must have looked silly playing cards in your costume,” the wife said sarcastically. “Oh, no,” the husband replied.
“Your dad arrived without a costume, so I gave mine to him. He had helluva good time!”

Bið svo Guð almáttugan að vaka yfir ykkur.
<°((()>< Hörður ><()))°>


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